拼拼樂的Taylormade SIM2木桿/Piece by Piece driver head: TM SIM2!~上集
簡單說就是一款拼拼樂的桿頭。著重在視覺效果,如果喜歡視覺系的球友們,這是絕對可以滿足你的色彩感。但對於效能和距離上也不會差,但要和其他對手比就會有點吃力。它有三款可以選擇,SIM2、SIM2 MAX、SIM2 MAX D(draw),如果你要建立個人化的MYIM2,從2月19日開始,driver價格630美元起。要比沒有客製的貴100美元。
It's not saying that carbon fiber is not as strong as titanium, nowadays carbon fiber has been as strong as steel, but the key is the weight and stiffness of the material that is unable to replace by carbon fiber. Honestly I like SIM2's design and shape, that's something unable to made through casting mold with stainless or titanium. Of course, it's the advantage of carbon fiber.
In terms of the performance , I would pick the heads like SIM and Mavrik with titanium/carbon for 50/50 or 60/40 component ratio. Since using carbon fiber's light weight to focus the weight on the titanium main body, it will be good for impact to react the striking. But SIM2 is only face with titanium without the main body to support the impact.
Most of the driver design has the sole weighting to feedback the impact or make the CG low and back. Since SIM2 sole is carbon fiber without weighting up to locate the CG. That's the weakness for feedback the impact power. Looking at the Callaway new Epic driver, the sole is mainly titanium to locate the weights, there is only 20~30% of carbon fiber material on the sole. That is good design to maintain the weight and power.
However, SIM2 has many options for customization such as the back weight set, there are many colors and weights for customer to set the right swing weight with Taylormade custom department. Of course the sole and crown carbon fiber can be changed the colors of marks. I do think its the advantage of SIM2 for end users to do your own SIM2 driver.
The custom SIM2 driver is opened for customers on Feb 19, 2021, the price is $630 that is higher than standard SIM2 retail price. It's extra fun for golfers to play their own SIM2 driver setup, but in terms of the performance, SIM2 may not be the right solution for average golfers.