Taylormade Stealth 2 Plus Fairway Titanium 3W & 5W球道木心得!~上集
Taylormade Stealth 2 Plus Fairway Titanium 3W & 5W球道木心得!~中集
桿面回饋非常紮實,桿面的強度夠,中球整個桿面都感受彈力。打Stealth 2桿頭真的很享受、聲、回饋都會讓你像打雞血一樣。一球一球接著打,停不下來、爽度滿分。我必須說,在實際下場狀況,我用5木比3木要多,所以我對5木的使用要求比較高。而這次設定的5木重量和握感,都是我的預期,所以下場使用起來就得到比以前更好的結果。
3木用起來要比5木更加舒服、順暢。主要在桿身的回饋上要柔順多了,可以感覺桿身的折點在中段,桿身受力和桿身釋放在中段位置。打起來很容易,以為桿身會把桿頭給彈到擊球點。這在它們家的Kuro Kage桿身也是一樣,只是Kuro Kage的彈性更加明顯。以Diamana這款三菱的王牌,回饋真的給讚!
5木的飛行距離在200~210,滾動距離15碼上下。比我另外Callaway 5木要遠15碼。但在風大的狀況也討不到什麼好處。對於動作跑掉或觸球桿面開掉狀況,2支桿身都可以把側旋壓到最低。當然如果桿面開掉,就直直的噴飛了。側旋都可以讓球落在果嶺長草或旁邊的沙坑,不會直接出界,算是完全合格的桿子。
這對我來說非常重要,現在打球動作穩定多了,但還是會出一些錯誤,而桿身需要幫我把失誤壓在最低,才能讓成績不會太難看。我現在用球道木比較習慣打Spoon型的桿頭,對於那種扁大的桿頭比如Ping,PXG,callaway Epic max,比較打不順。看來今年的球道木都可以充分發揮,什麼球道都一樣,直接衝了!
The clubface feedback feels incredibly solid and responsive. The strength of the face is just right, and you can feel the ball bouncing off the entire surface. Playing with the Stealth 2 head is pure enjoyment — the sound and feedback make you feel super pumped. You can’t stop hitting one ball after another; There is no complaint at all! Honestly, I use my 5-wood more than my 3-wood on the course, so I’m quite particular about how it feels. The weight and grip setup on this 5-wood are just what I was hoping for, so I’m seeing even better results on the course.
The 3-wood, though, is even smoother and more comfortable. Its shaft feels much softer and has a mid-kick point, so the shaft absorbs and releases energy around the middle. It’s really easy to swing, almost like the shaft guides the head right to the sweet spot. This is also true for their Kuro Kage shafts, though Kuro Kage is a bit springier. With this Mitsubishi Diamana shaft, the feedback is top-notch!
The shaft strength is impressive, delivering powerful ball speed with low spin and a penetrating, low trajectory. The feeling is explosive! The impact is solid and weighty, giving the clubhead a boost in speed, so contact feels incredibly satisfying. With the strong seasonal winds right now, having this mid-low trajectory setting has been perfect. Sure, the wind affects it, but not as much as I’d expected in terms of distance or dispersion.
Overall, the 3-wood is really easy to hit and doesn’t require a lot of power to achieve bullet-like speeds, thanks to the specs and shaft properties. In contrast, with the 5-wood, you can really feel the shaft kick when you put more power behind it. It feels more like an iron in terms of feedback, so I approach shots differently with each club. The 3-wood, for instance, gives great distance — around 210-230 yards with a roll of 15-20 yards, which is as good as it gets.
My 5-wood goes about 200-210 yards with around 15 yards of roll, which is about 15 yards farther than my Callaway 5-wood. But it doesn’t have much advantage in strong winds. Even if my swing isn’t perfect or the clubface opens a bit, both shafts keep sidespin under control. If the face does open, the ball might just fly straight, but it won’t go out of bounds. It’ll land in the rough or bunker by the green, which is ideal.
For me, that’s essential. My swing is more stable now, but I still make mistakes, so I need the shaft to help minimize mishits. I’m now used to playing Spoon-type fairway woods, so flatter heads like Ping, PXG, or Callaway Epic Max don’t work as well for me. It looks like this year’s fairway woods can handle any lie, so I’m ready to take on any course!