通貨膨脹下,球具和配件的購買要更靈活/With inflation purchasing in smart way!~上集
I do not think to purchase online is the best solution or best price. You need to consider the post services such as return/refund, exchange and where to return.. The chain store is good to let you return in its store locations without extra charges. If you purchase online and would like to return, you will need to get the return label and pack it, then drop it in shipping station.
Online and offline has biggest differentiation on credibility. If you go for offline with small store, you can build the relationship with specific sales rep or owner. Once they know you with purchasing experiences, you can have some benefits such as good deals, extra gifts and ordering specific items or rare goods. Some new models are able to reserve for you.
Online is unable to do that since all kinds of goods are on the list, if there is no specific products or models you are looking for, they won't help you order. That's why I prefer to purchase offline with physical stores. I know people like to order things online with convenience, but spend sometimes to the store and build the relationship is also good for you to explore something better.
I would suggest golfers to have both online and offline solutions. Since physical store has limitation that can not carry too many products or brands at the same time, that's why you need to have online store to help you get things that offline store can not provide.
The money you save, you can play more rounds for golf. Since all your purchasing for golf goods, you need to use it to see how it works on you? The more rounds you play, the better idea and experience you can get. Above is my approach for making the right purchase to avoid the inflation impact. I know there is the better way and how about you?