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夏天溫度高,不要把球桿放在車上,避免脫膠狀況/Do not put your golf clubs in the car!~上集

夏天溫度高,不要把球桿放在車上,避免脫膠狀況/Do not put your golf clubs in the car!







夏天溫度高,不要把球桿放在車上,避免脫膠狀況/Do not put your golf clubs in the car!~下集

Summer is hot and temperature is incredible high in the car. I believe there are many golfers used to put your golf gears and golf bag in the trunk after golfing, it's kind of dangerous for making the golf club's epoxy loosing with high temperature environment. Particularly it's in summer extreme hot weather, you need to be aware of this issue to avoid later golf club incapability.

With high temperature, the golf club will not have damage or deformation, but with the golf head neck or shaft sleeve connected with golf head, it will be damaged and forced to loose the connection between the shaft and golf head neck. I have been facing such cases for myself and some of my customers in past 15 years.

It's not happened high percentage but the golfers need to take good care of your golf gears without putting your golf clubs in the high temperature condition or environment. That's why to load your golf clubs in the car trunk is very dangerous that could make the epoxy become incapable.

The golf club epoxy is kind of Acrylic material and when the dried epoxy can not stand over hundreds of heating temperature then it will be loosed when the temperature reach the peak. It's how we remove the golf club and golf shaft by using heating machine.

Do not put your golf clubs in the car!~Part II




