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擊球模擬器重點不在準不準/Launch Monitor is not about the accuracy!~上集

擊球模擬器重點不在準不準/Launch Monitor is not about the accuracy!



其實我從15年前就買擊球模擬器,那時候還沒有Trackman或Foresight等品牌,市場比較廣為使用的是Vector。 因為多數的工坊和訂製球具點大多用這款,所以在討論數據時也比較能對得上相關的分析和討論。而這也是我的重點。因為市場上在科技產品來說,準確與否已經不是重點,關鍵在於多數人用什麼品牌和產品?


為什麼Trackman火,那是多數的球具商和一些有錢的工坊們都用它,所以今天在討論相關數據和分析擊球動作,都是以trackman裡頭的分析項目和測試因素來討論分析。比如smash factor,就是trackman裡頭的擊球紮實度(我個人的翻譯)。


擊球模擬器重點不在準不準/Launch Monitor is not about the accuracy!~下集

Nowadays there are many high tech tools and equipment to help golfers work out the golf swing and find out the solutions. Since golf club makers are using launch monitor to help professional golfers build their own specification golf clubs, it's becoming the standard for golf club workshops and custom fitting stores to implement such equipment for gofers.

The reason why we need the launch monitor is getting the details of your swing data. It's very difficult for golfers or outsider to know the golf swing and with launch monitor, it tells you something like your swing speed, clubhead speed, clubhead path, impact quality and so on. These data is important for golfers to know yourself and each data is able to tell your swing issues.

I have been using launch monitor since 15 years ago, it's vector pro. Since it was very common for most of workshop and clubfitter to know golfers' swing information through the launch monitor. That's why the launch monitor is not about the accuracy, but it's how many clubfitters, clubmakers and professional golf club engineers are using?

The more insiders are using, the better understanding and common data we can use and understand. Different launch monitors have the data differentiations, if your data is tested through majority of launch monitor, you are able to pass the data to various clubfitters and clubmakers to know your situation and swing issues.

I do not like golfers to stick on certain launch monitor, since the data is not really helpful to them. The importance is the story of your golf swing through the data. Average golfers do not need high accurate data for the golf swing as their swing is not consistent and stable. Comparing pros their swing are consistent and able to perform various shots with their swing abilities. That would need high accuracy launch monitor to see the details.

Launch Monitor is not about the accuracy!~Part II




