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話題小子Bryson Dechambeau又給我們什麼衝擊~離經叛道的球桿設定/Dechambeau’s impact~ golf club setup differentiation!~上集

話題小子Bryson Dechambeau又給我們什麼衝擊~離經叛道的球桿設定/Dechambeau’s impact~ golf club setup differentiation!


而他一直對球桿有自己的想法和分析。從鐵桿都是設定同樣長度的模式,和目前每一支桿子不同長度設定是離經叛道。這也是我一直對他有高度興趣,因為一個有自己想法的球員,可以給大家更多的思考和衝擊。這就是自主球員的特性。和球友差異性的落實結果, 也是我分析他球桿變化的原因,也就是看細節。

所以他目前木桿類都是用LAGP最新款Tronos。 這桿身的中間區段比較硬,可以承受更大的力量和快速跟上使用者速度。在體重增加後的速度力量上個台階後,桿子必須要跟上他的變化。而桿身是關鍵,因為能把力量有效承受和釋放就在桿身。桿身不行,力量再大都無法發揮到最佳結果。

所以距離提升,新桿身的可以提升和減少倒旋,是功不可沒。而另一個不同於目前球桿設定的方式是,他的桿頭Cobra King SpeedZone 5.5度。沒錯你沒有看錯,有這樣190mph上下的桿頭速度,出球角度就需要壓低,不會高射砲、球才能飛得遠,也不會飛太高而影響飛行距離。




話題小子Bryson Dechambeau又給我們什麼沖擊~離經叛道的球桿設定/Dechambeau’s impact~ golf club setup differentiation!~中集

話題小子Bryson Dechambeau又給我們什麼沖擊~離經叛道的球桿設定/Dechambeau’s impact~ golf club setup differentiation!~下集

After Dechambeau adds the weight and gains the discount boosting, does his golf club need to be changed? That's no doubt! Since the swing speed and power increase, the golf club needs to catch up his power and speed differentiation. Then the performance can be positive and longer than before. If the golf clubs remains the same, with power and speed up, the consistency, accuracy and control will get lost for sure.

He always has his idea and thought for the golf clubs. His irons are the same length and it's different with current iron setup. That's impressive me as he is using his own way on irons to perform the best. People are different and you need to find your own way to develop the unique approach. He is the best example for demonstrating golf club differentiation. Here are the idea and analysis for this clubs.

This year he has become the partner of LAGP golf shaft and the current shafts including woods, irons and putter, he is using LAGP products developed specific with his profile and requirements. The driver shaft is Tronos with stronger and stiffer on shaft's mid section that allows shaft can load and unload his power better and smooth.

That's why shaft is critical when your body has changed and if you are fighting the ball consistency and accuracy, the shaft needs to be fit your swing profile and body. It's not just pick up the stiffer flex to play, it needs to consider overall swing and speed differentiation then select the right shaft profile to fit current swing tempo and body shape.

Let's talk about the driver, his current King Speedzone loft is 5.5 degree. Since his driver head speed is 190mph range, if the loft is big, the launch angle will be high and the ball trajectory will like balloon with less flighting distance. This is not an impressive thing for me, there is one catching my attention is the driver head weight is only 185g. How is that happened? Most of pros driver head weight is about 205g and his driver head is super light.

This setup is the same as my personal driver setup. My driver head weight is only 190g and I did use light head weight approach about 5 years ago. I have been loving it with good performance, easy control and less consumption. Most people and clubfitter do not know this idea and it's only good for the golfers who have consistent on golf swing. If your swing is not based on body rotation from lower body to upper body, it's better not to try such setup.

Dechambeau’s impact~ golf club setup differentiation!~Part II

Dechambeau’s impact~ golf club setup differentiation!~Part III




