勇氣和恐懼都會傳染,所以打球要量力而為/Building your golfing strategy and ideology!~上集
該衝沒有衝、該保守沒有保守。選手也會犯的錯,我們自然也是家常便飯。但經驗一多,你就知道該保守,還是要大膽。因為你下水、下沙坑、會OB 都是讓你知道自己的能力和極限。下場才不會做傻的決定。
When you start thinking and evaluating all the factors and your personal skills for the next shot, that means you know yourself well instead of caddie given you the inputs and information. You use your eyes to make the judgement and decision for the distance, wether and geography.
I do not rely on caddie's inputs and information as I know I need to use my personal observation to get the distance. I do not blame caddie for the incorrect information as you are the personal to make the final call of your play.
When I play I always check the sounds of ball flighting, since the humidity is important key to make your ball flight longer and it will have louder sound when the humidity is high during the ball flighting on the air or in the initial flighting. You need to evaluate all the details in order to make the right decision and pick the right club for the shot.
Most of average golfers or weekend golfers have the distance limitation, you need to get more distance through the custom clubs. If your clubs would not give you the help or maximum distance, you are unable to get the good result and good score. Of your to know how to evaluate all the factors above in order to make the right decision.
To gain the distance through various golf courses and different types of golf course will help you build the abilities for making the right judgement and decision. It's not an easy job but certain takes time to get it through practical experience. This is the way of personal challenge and accomplishment as you need to fight for yourself to get better in golf.