越短的桿子越要求個人技巧/It’s all about the skills for short length clubs!~上集
Regarding putting, it's the toughest part for golf. Distance is not the issue for putting, it's all about controlling your body and putter. More importantly it takes time to build your skills with experiences. You have to read the green and also deliver the right power. If you don't have enough experience, you are unable to make the good putting.
That's why golf is talking about your overall control and abilities of various clubs! Driving long distance doesn't mean you have better chance to win the game, how can you manage the short clubs are the key to win in the end. I saw some senior golfers practice over one hundred balls in driving range for short game. They know the distance is not the advantage, all they need to do is build the short game skills in order to win others.
Short irons and wedges are all about controlling your body power and building the skills of playing with the clubs. Most of time, you would not need full swing to deliver the distance, the half swing or quarter swing is the way to deliver the right distance for the target. If you do not build this skills, it's easy to fail. I did made many stupid chipping before, but now I have got lots of experience and knowledge to manage my swing skills.
There is no short cut for the short game and putting. Without certain of time and experiences invested, your skills are unable to establish. That's the best thing of the golf since you need to build the skills from zero to something. It's part of golf!