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Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~下集

Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~下集

Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~中集


Stealth的球在尾巴容易產生一點甩尾側旋。我是容易帶點右曲來但幅度不大,約10碼左右。還是可以把球放在球道上。只是對於動作的精準度會要求比較高。如果你的動作穩定性沒有到一個火候,你會打到後面幾洞很掙扎。我想我會配新款的Fujikura Ventus TR桿身來讓Stealth 把側旋壓制下來,同時把長度設定在44.5“~44”。這樣可以把球桿的控制能力拉到最高。

因為我在使用上,Rogue ST會更容易去控制球桿和桿頭回正。長度比較容易去掌握,就讓身體和手臂更容易去把桿子拉回來到擊球位置。這也是我覺得Stealth比Rogue ST要長0.75“的影響。加上Stealth這類深桿面設計,觸球位置就不容易去掌握。導致我覺得Stealth在觸球上沒有Rogue ST那樣紮實和容易。


不過Stealth的擊球倒旋比較高是明確無疑。這個結果和我從網路上,一些人測試的結果是一樣。朋友使用的結果在spin rate是比較高。約有200~300mph的差異。彈道上就是會稍微高一些。但對揮桿速度一般的球友來說,差異是有限。我覺得就是3~5碼的差別。而這樣的差別我覺得在球場上都是可以被歸為合理的誤差範圍。

2個桿頭特性是有差異,也是針對不同球友需求所設計。要好打、易打、要衝遠的Rogue ST是當仁不讓。如果要打爽、有更多的樂趣和做球需要,Stealth是最佳選擇。不過,2個桿頭對規格設定是有各種的特性。不會一樣。因為桿頭就不一樣,對於規格使用就會不同,才能讓桿頭的特性發揮更容易。當然我今年就靠這2支東征北討了!會有更多的想法和經驗可以在以後文章來分享。

The other characteristic of Rogue ST is the low center of gravity that helps the ball lift the air fast and high. After I strike the ball, I am trying to check the ball trace but it's already in the air. On the other hand, I can see the ball from the low to high with stealth. That's totally different ball path for these two drivers.

When I play Stealth, sometimes there are slice with about 10 yards. I think it's not forgiving like Rogue ST, the head can not adjust the side spin that needs to have consistent swing in order to keep you ball straight. I think it can be solved that makes the length of the driver about 0.5" shorter to have the better control for striking.

Comparing with Rogue ST, it's shorter than Stealth with my setup and helps me control easier then contacts the ball with square face. That's key if you would like to make your ball straight for better contacting, the length is always the option for you to adjust particularly the average golfers. I can see the results with two different driver specifications.

I have seen many golfers struggling for the side spins with original specification. It's the reason why you can get your ball straight since it's too long, light, heavy, and wrong grip size. That's why it's important step to get fit when you try to find the right driver as it's the critical first stop from the tee box, no one wants to have a big slice or hook.

As a result, with my observation and experience, Stealth generates more spin rate than Rogue ST, but the ball path is more aggressive and fun than Rogue ST. I would say these two drivers have their own characteristics and profiles. They are all good drivers for golfers to enjoy but the key is to find the right specification for your swing! It's all about fitting your own way.




