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鐵桿兩片式結構逐漸變成主流/two piece iron design becomes the trend!~上集

鐵桿兩片式結構逐漸變成主流/two piece iron design becomes the trend!


從PXG 0311和TM的790的風潮開始,現在鐵桿桿頭的設計都逐漸走兩片式設計。稍微兩片式就是桿面和桿頭主體是兩個不同的個體。桿面的材質強度或特性會有別於桿頭主體。這也和木桿設計的道理一樣。都是在提升桿面擊球的效能。所以才會獨立桿面這塊出來去強化和提升。

而兩片式設計的桿頭目前有兩種不同設計風格。一個為主體是封閉式,就類似0311或790這類的外型。另一種是口袋/pocket 的設計。這種就是類似凹背設計。桿面後面和主體是有類似口袋的凹槽來讓桿面擊球有彈性。作用和封閉式一樣。




Iron head design is always simple and traditional. There are forged head, cavity head as the two main streams of iron head design. Since 5 years gao, PXG 0311 and TM 790 are the two pieces iron design for better performance and forgiving missions.

In recent years, two piece iron head is getting popular and more irons are used such design to deliver better usage. The two piece iron head is the same as wood head design. Basically there are two parts to make up the complete head. One is the face and the other is the main body. Technically the face is the object to contact the ball so it requires stronger material and better impact feel for the golfers.

The advantage of two pieces iron can use better material with strong and solid features. It can deliver better hitting result. That's the key of the iron head. It's allowed to have different face material to generate specific performance and feature in playing.

There are two kinds of two piece design head. One is packet cavity design. The other is like blade design such as PXG 0311 and TM 790. With my experience for playing two types of the 2 piece iron head, it's no big different on performance. The package design head is more vibration during the impact, the other is smooth in feel.

two piece iron design becomes the trend!~Part II




