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2021 forged irons TM P-790, Callaway Apex pro, Ping i59 review/鍛造鐵桿大車拼~下集

2021 forged irons TM P-790, Callaway Apex pro, Ping i59 review/鍛造鐵桿大車拼

2021 forged irons TM P-790, Callaway Apex pro, Ping i59 review/鍛造鐵桿大車拼~上集

2021 forged irons TM P-790, Callaway Apex pro, Ping i59 review/鍛造鐵桿大車拼~中集


最後是i59。它是和Apex pro差不多的桿頭大小和刀背上緣比Apex Pro要更薄設計。不好打是可以期待的是。而它打到桿面甜蜜點沒有Apex pro那樣的軟綿回饋。反而會比較彈的效果。所以這就是各家設計產品的差異。當然如果你以鍛造刀背來說要軟綿的回饋為標準,那i59可能沒有你想的那樣舒服和回味無窮。

對於數據來說,起發角度是26~29度範圍,倒旋量在 7500~8300rpm ,飛行距離在 115~120 碼, 滾動距離在6~10碼以性能角度來說,完全不及格。但對於鍛造鐵桿它就是這樣。以我的速度就是這樣的距離水平,所以我不會用鍛造鐵桿。反而用中空桿頭去達到最好的距離結果。

當然我去查這三款的7鐵桿面角度,790是31度,Apex pro是33度,i59是36度。而反應在我得到的數據來說也是合理。起發角度i59是稍微大一點。也應該說i59還是以傳統刀背桿的設計風格為主,你要沒有速度和力量去操控球桿,i59就不是你可以駕馭的產品。至少我是不會去考慮,雖然好看但沒有裡子啊!別人拿P桿打120碼,我拿7鐵打。



The last one is i59. The topline is the thinnest one and similar head size like Apex pro. When I hit the sweet spot of i59 it is not as soft as apex pro but more bouncing feedback from the face. The launch angle is 26~29 degrees, spin is 7500~8300rpm range, carry distance is about 115~120 yards, the rolling is 6~10 yards. It's the shortest distance I have got and even though I strike on the sweet spot, the distance is about 130 yards maximum.

It's kind of frustrating! To play 7i can only deliver 130 yards maximum and off sweet spot can only get 120 or less. There are many times I feel I strike very solid with good feedback but the results are just 120 something yards. I would not consider i59 to play as I need the distance to compete and it's my core weapon of the irons to play.

However, I refer to the specifications from 790, i59 and apex pro, it's 31 degree for 790, 33 degree for apex pro and 36 degree for i59. That's why the distances are so different but the launch angle is still within the 26~30 degree range. Of course, strong loft will gain some distances but the trajectory is similar with these 3 irons. With my experience, it's the design of the head, material and technology differentiations.

The i59 is not good on pricing, and performance. The best one is 790 on pricing, performance and forgivingness. Apex pro is good on feel as it's outstanding and comfortable feedback drives your forged spirit to the top. The answer is simple for golfers to select.




