所以痛定思痛,要再買一支適合快速果嶺的推桿來用,才能一勞永逸,對症下藥。而快果嶺要用的推桿桿頭是小烏龜的鋁合金材質,或是桿面有塑膠材質的坎入設計,才能把力量給吸收下來。反應到距離上才能不會太多。我台灣有幾隻這類推桿但都沒帶到美國來。所以找了市場上有什麼不錯,且適合滿足我的桿頭要求也不少,而我鎖定了新款Ping Anser Sigma 2推桿來用。
Ping的推桿也是市場上的一大勢力,款式眾多,功能、材質的應用也很多元。價格也比較友善,所以這次才會補強推桿來購買。當然我一直認為Ping的做工比較粗,這也是一個問題。也是一分錢一分貨!而這款Sigma 2 platinum是銀色桿頭,桿面是黑色塑膠,有兩層的塑膠結構。第一層軟,第二層硬。
Ping 2021 Anser Sigma 2 adjustable putter推桿!~中集
Ping 2021 Anser Sigma 2 adjustable putter推杆!~下集
Recently I have been struggling with my putting. Since north of Texas greens are fast, speed should be 9 or over. With such fast green feature, my current newport2 blade stainless putter head is hard to control the distance. I have suffered distance over the hole problem and need to work out this issue by selecting the new putter to fit the fast green speed.
To work out this problem, it needs to find the putter head with aluminum material or stainless head with face inserted ionomer (synthetic material) material to eat out some power then make the distance more control. I have some putters but it's not with me in Plano so I go for buying the new putter and select Ping Sigma 2 putter.
It has the features I need and moreover, there is adjustment length feature to change the length by myself. That is very practical and useful function for golfers to set the right length for your putting approach. Most of golfers' putter length is not correct and with this length adjustment, you can easy and simply to set your own length without asking for clubmaker.
You can use its own wrench or any driver's wrench to adjust the the length from the butt of the grip. The adjustment length range is from 32"~ 36". I believe it can fit 80% of golfers demand. Most of putter head's lie angle is not fit with golfer's putting style, thus the best way to make it fit your putting is change the length.
That's one of the reasons I bought this putter. The face is soft material and is able to deliver the good feedback with more control for striking the ball. The grip is Superstroke style's mid size grip style that is easily to grip and control. However, I may re-shaft later to use graphite putter shaft to see how the feedback, control and rolling performance go? Let me try the original setup for a while then decide what to do the advanced adjustment?
Ping 2021 Anser Sigma 2 adjustable putter!~Part II
Ping 2021 Anser Sigma 2 adjustable putter!~Part III