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Callaway certified fitter training/Callaway 訂製師證照!

Callaway certified fitter training/Callaway 訂製師證照!

今天從早上9點到下午5點都在上課。相當緊湊的課程,上完就考試,不是可以open book或看講義的大家都過考試。要有點底子考,比較好過。真的有點硬,年紀大了,要塞很多Callaway的東西,有點累。



Spending the whole day from 9am to 5pm for Callaway certified fitter taining. It's addressed on the golf club head's fundamental knowledge and Callaway heads profiles. It's hard to digest lots of information in 8 hours.

After the class, there is an exam to get the certificate and it's not opened booked or you can look for the answers through the note, and luckily I pass.

There is a box as the gift alone with the certificate then Callaway treats us us the dinner in the restaurant. What a day like this! Perfect ending.

@peargolfcom #洋梨高爾夫 #peargolf @洋梨代購 #callawaycertifiedfitter #callawayclubfitter #callaway球具訂製師