這次到在美國有點名氣的連鎖練習場Top Golf來打球。之前就有想來打,但覺得一個人來打沒有意思,所以今天和這邊的朋友一起來打。打位有一層和二層,但打位最多就40個左右。因為這邊是一個打位算鐘點來收費,不是算球量。而且一個打位就配一個桌子和椅子,像在餐廳一樣。和朋友一起來比較划算。
更重要Top Golf應該比較算娛樂場所,不像運動場所。因為它就是設計來吃喝玩樂。如果你要認真練球,還是一般練習場可以比較專注。其實Top Golf就像台灣的貝克漢或新店家樂福樓上的練習場。自動出球的設計,但它多了更多的遊戲設計。什麼遊戲?就是對準場內不同九宮格去打,和朋友比賽。有對打型、也有過關型,所以比較有樂趣。
服務內容除了高爾夫 + 餐廳 + 電子遊戲。每一個打位就是一個桌子,4張椅子。旁邊有提供的球桿,但都很差。都是給不會打的人來玩的比較多。今天看一樓和二樓,沒有幾個會打的,都是來吃飯、把妹或帶孩子來玩。一個打位一個鐘頭是USD30,再加你點的餐飲等費用,所以這樣下來就是快百元了。
好處是這裡打球不必被太陽曬,比較舒服。像台灣練習場有風扇和水氣一起噴,比較解暑。也不會汗流浹背。和紐約一樣。紐約也有Top Golf,但在曼哈頓,我懶得開車進城去打。但基本就說在喇賽、吃喝比較多,練球就有一搭、沒一搭的。無法專心練球。所以可以和要訂製球桿的朋友在這裡來測試球桿,然後坐下來討論細節。
Top Golf driving range/練習場!~下集
Top Golf is the chain store for golf driving range, but it has more features and function for practicing golf. There are meals, games and golf combining together for more entertainment. I would say it's more like fun instead of golf driving range. This time I check the Top golf near Dallas and take me over 30 minutes driving since it's good to play with your friends for such place.
That's why I come with friends. If I would like to practice my swing, I will go to the real driving range to play instead of coming to Top Golf. The goods thing to play here is there are many games for you to play that the golf ball has the sensor inside and track the ball location to see what is number for this shot and counts the total.
There are various distances for the games that you can use with your woods, irons and wedges to play. In normal driving range has no such electronic way to know your ball location but Top Golf uses its unique technology to develop the ball. That's part of reasons why it costs more than other traditional driving range.
I was making the range ball inside with sensor before, thus I know the performance of such ball is not as good as normal range ball and tournament ball. But I believe its system adds up the shortage and shows more positive result on the screen.
How about the meal? I think it's not the best but still allow you to enjoy it with the golf. However, I do not think once I eat something and make my swing later. I don't feel good to swing after eating something and drinks. That's why I do not come to play Top Golf. Regarding the fee, it's counting by hour instead of counting by balls.
The good thing is it's kind of indoor for driving range without burning by sun particularly during the summer time. That's the advantage for playing in Top Golf, but the facility is not complete opened to public as the short game and putting green are still closed due to the pandemic. If you try to practice all kinds of your golf clubs, you can go the real driving range.
Top Golf driving range~Part II