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Top Golf driving range/練習場!~下集

Top Golf driving range/練習場!

Top Golf driving range/練習場!~上集


但這裡的打位使用耗損非常嚴重。連站的地方都凹凸不平,不好站。球的位置也是凹凸不平,非常差。這都是過度使用所造成。看來Callaway收購Top Golf後面需要花一筆錢好好整理這些硬體設備。不然客人會流失。應該說,會打球的人不會來Top Golf。除非是帶家人或孩子來聚餐加娛樂。要不就是和朋友來這邊吃喝順便打個球。不然我是不會再來。以這樣的硬體要收這個費用,不值!

因為朋友有Summer Pass,到9月6日前,每天5點前都是無限暢打。費用是USD200,這就挺划算。如果我兒子在身邊就會辦一張,暑假可以固定來練球。但如果我辦球場的會員一樣可以練習場暢打,只是沒有棚子遮陽。不過好像每一家的實行細節和費用都不一樣。我這次來的是在靠近Dallas的Top Golf,我附近的地方有一個Top Golf,開車也是15分可以到。暑假都會有很多大人帶孩子來練球。這裡是比較娛樂交誼的地方。孩子也可以打分數順便練球技。



因為這裡的客人很多都是不會打球的人,所以球和打位很容易被磨損或用壞。實在說,它們不是經營高爾夫練習場,而是複合式餐廳。打球只是一個噱頭,它們賺錢的核心在餐點上。開在都會區是可以賺錢,但在人口沒有密集的地方就不好做。取名Top Golf,我覺得是佔Golf的便宜。我還是會去一般練習場去練球,這樣練才有效果。這邊就來玩一下,看個眼界就行。

The hitting mat has been over used with lots of damages. It's hard to stand solid for golf swing. If I pay over $30/per hour to use such facilities, I must be crazy. The facility condition needs to be updated or replaced, otherwise, golfers won't be able to come with such condition. I think Callaway may spend a certain amount of the money to update the facility in order to deliver the quality for the service.

My friend has summer pass that is able to play unlimited balls before 5pm every day until Sep 6th. It will be good deal for playing. But if you compare the local golf courses offering unlimited balls for driving range with membership, it's about $40/per month. I would rather to pick the second option for practicing.

I would say Top golf is more about the entertainment instead of playing golf swing. Most of people come to top golf is for fun without having good golf swing. I see many parents bring the kids to play. Indeed, kids doesn't want to stand outside and top golf is better place for them to play with meals and drinks.

Regarding the golf ball, the balls have serious scratches and even the logos are barely seen. Again it's heavily using condition without replacing the new balls. I know the cost for such driving range balls that has chip/sensor inside. It takes more efforts and works to produce the ball without sensor and the performance of the ball is not as good as other range balls.

That's why they keep using such condition balls since each ball will cost double than normal range ball, it's high cost for them to replace. But if you do not have good condition balls, golfers won't feel good to come and play. That's why I barely see the customers here have good swing. Honestly, I would not consider to come again as the facility, balls and conditions are not equal to the price I pay for.

The core of top golf is on the restaurant as they are trying to gain more sales from the customers instead of charging the fee for playing golf. It's good to open in metropolitan area as people are not serious golfers and like to try something different and new. For me, I know there is a place but I would rather go to the driving range nearby my place to play.



