這次測試就是年初裝的三隻木桿,已經陸續把Epic/LAGP Trono, Mavrik Sub zero/LAGP Olyss公布測試報告。剩下就是Mavrik/LAGP AXS Red 50 R。 先說AXS系列在LAGP的產品定位,它是主力,為什麼它是主力?因為它有三種款式,分別為藍、紅、白三種。每一種都有其特性和重量來針對不同使用族群。
這樣的產品基本就是誰都找得到適合的。而我選紅色,就是算比較一般友善的規格。AXS裡頭,藍色最需要速度和力量去發揮,目前Dustin Johnson, DeChambeau都是用這一款。紅色一般,白色最容易也比較適合揮桿速度不快的使用者。但在過去Matrix桿身時代裡,有Q、X、M三種款式,也是在彈道、倒旋和起發角設定不同。
所以AXS是以過去Q、M、X為基礎去延續。而我過去一直都是用Q系列,X比較一般,M是性能導向桿身。到了LAGP就以顏色來區別。我選Red也是它會比較適合我使用,桿身的倒旋是中,彈道也是中,而白色是高和中倒旋。藍色是低彈道和低倒旋。LAGP的所有桿身都是Made in USA!不搭配OEM的產品。所以你只能和工坊訂購。
桿頭我就大致說一下,Mavrik是去年2020的桿子。它的好處在於改善很多Callaway木桿的問題,比如手感不佳、高容錯、大面積的碳纖維材質。當然以前的Callaway也或多或少有這些功能和技術,但目前的Mavrik是技術相對成熟和提升。所以我去年才會買了Mavrik和Mavrik Sub zero。也在於它的手感提升,同時性能依舊維持高檔。只要訂製是和我的桿身和規格,這桿子會很猛。
Callaway Mavrik 10.5/LAGP AXS Red 50 R driver review測試~規格設定篇!
Callaway Mavrik 10.5/LAGP AXS Red 50 R driver review測試~實際測試篇!
Callaway Mavrik 10.5/LAGP AXS Red 50 R driver review測試~完結篇
This time I am sharing the review of my three drivers built in early of 2021. I have shared Epic/LAGP Trono, Mavrik Sub zero/LAGP Olyss and now this time is Mavrik/ LA Golf AXS Red 50 R flex combo. The AXS is the main force of LAGP lineup for woods. Since there are three different types with various profiles for specific users and you can always find the right profile of the shaft for your swing and usage.
I pick Red one with 50 gram and R flex, Red is mid range for golfers who are smooth swing speed and tempo. The shaft is mid trajectory with mid spin rate. It's very reasonable profile for swing speed around 90~97mph. The easier shaft is white that is targeting the swing speed below 95mph with high/mid trajectory and mid spin rate. The blue is low launch and low trajectory, it's currently using by DeChambeau and Dustin Johnson.
The good thing with LA Golf shaft is they only made for aftermarket shafts without OEM licensing or manufacturing in Asia with major equipment brands. That means you can only get it through workshop or clubfitting center with pure customization of your personal profile. After taking over by Matrix from 2019, LA golf shaft is making its own way in custom golf shafts.
We can not find too much detail and information regarding the AXS shafts but it's made by high module carbon fiber sheets with stronger material for loading and unloading golfers' power. It's good to try AXS as I am familiar with Matrix's products and hope to make the shafts better to the next level and improve the feedback of the shafts.
The Callaway Mavrik is also a good driver head that improves the previous Epic flash's harsh feedback and forgiving. Mavrik is easier for average golfers to handle and control with good forgiving and feedback of impact. This combo is targeting the average golfers who have swing speed 87~95mph range and able to make the best result of the tee shot.
Callaway Mavrik 10.5/LAGP AXS Red 50 R driver review Part II!
Callaway Mavrik 10.5/LAGP AXS Red 50 R driver review Part III!
Callaway Mavrik 10.5/LAGP AXS Red 50 R driver review Part IV!