基本上,我自己測試,每一款球測試5~6球,每天測試3款球,使用Taylormade SIM2 10.5度Fujikura Ventus Red 50 R, 44.5寸。測了大概一週時間,我覺得有些不錯的2層球表現出來的效能和距離,會和多數三層urethane球皮的球款差不多或更好的結果。而普遍3層urethane或surlyn的球款都是表現不錯的距離效果。2層的球,好壞球款,距離落差會有10碼的空間。有些會超過10碼以上,所以選對很重要。
而我打Taylormade有一款Distance +,上面寫韓國製造,那款的距離真的和3層球不相上下。數據出來讓我嚇一跳。試了2次,都是差不多的結果,飛行距離和滾動都和3層球並駕齊驅,讓我很滿意。在美國走低價的TopFlite系列的就挺鳥。距離短,手感不好,操控也很弱。看來一分錢、一分貨。應該和它的技術有直接關係。現在Top Flite是Dicks sporting goods的,所以應該只是有這個品牌,沒有投入研發太多吧。可惜了!
高爾夫球的小心得/2pc & 3pc golf ball testing thought!~中集
高爾夫球的小心得/2pc & 3pc golf ball testing thought!~下集
Recently I have been trying to test various golf balls and golf clubs in door to see the differentiations on results. Today I would like to share what I have got for mid range golf ball pricing from $10 ~$30/per dozen with 2 piece and 3 pieces in surlyn or urethane/TPU covers. I would not say anything specific on the brand or model to avoid the later problem.
Basically I hit 5~6 balls per round with one model ball and each day I try 3 models of golf balls. Consistent testing one week to see the overall results. Sometimes my swing gets better result and sometimes it's not consistent. That's why I review one week results to make the right comments on the golf balls.
I use Taylormade SIM 2 10.5 loft / Fujikura Ventus Red 50 R flex 44.50" long driver. I found one good 2 piece suryln cover ball that is outperform than other 3 piece TPU cover ball. The biggest differentiation of 2 piece ball surlyn cover and 3 piece urethane cover ball is the distance consistency. 3 piece urethane/TPU cover balls have consistent distance on carry that is better than 2piece surlyn ball.
But the 2piece surlyn ball with greatest and consistent distance is Taylormade Distance + ball, it is able to have similar carry and rolling distances like other 3piece urethane/TPU balls. That's really impressive me! Most of 2 piece surlyn balls are short about 10 yards overall with 3piece urethane/TPU balls. There is only Distance + ball (Made in Korea) has similar result and performance like 3piece ball.
That's the good 2 piece ball can performance and if you think the balls are the same. You are wrong, all the details can make up a big different. In golf ball, 10 yards different is big and I would rather to spend $20/per dozen for Distance + instead of $30 or more with less brands 3 piece urethane balls. For other TopFlite balls or soft compression (compression 60 or less) are not good.
Distance is short with 3piece urethane/TPU balls over 10 yards and compression below 60 is way too soft with lots of compressing during the impact. It's always big hook with over 10K side and back spin rates. If your tee shot is over 200 yards, it's better to pick the compression over 60 to 100. It's going to generate the ideal spin rate for your swing speed.
2pc & 3pc golf ball testing thought!~ Part II
2pc & 3pc golf ball testing thought!~Part III