產品找你的時代已過了/Do your homework for searching the right product!~下集
In modern product sales, the MBA classes tell us to focus on the user demand and requirements then you are able to set up the strategy, pricing and promotion. However, time is changed and I have been interacting with golfers for over 20 years, with my experience, I don't think it's working like the book.
Since internet and mobility are changing our life and purchase behavior. There are more and more small or unknown products and brands on the internet. When you try to buy something, there are tons of products in front of you through Amazon, ebay, and facebook. How do you know which one is really fit your need and requirements?
I don't know which one is my Mr. right, but without collecting the information or research, I have no idea for my purchase. Therefore, nowadays you need to find the right products based on your personal study and research. There are Youtubers or bloggers who do the product reviews or vertical analysis for you. That's the source you can know the product profiles.
How about the product flyers, description and promotion? It's not enough since if we take the information from the brand company or marketer, it's all about the positive comments without giving you the truth. That's why you have to do your home work to find the right products instead of taking all the information from single source for purchasing.
Let's talk about the golf clubs, there are many details and features to consider. If you are not familiar or have the basic knowledge for golf clubs, you won't be able to get the right product for your usage. Therefore, relying on experts or technician inputs is key for average golfers to make the right decision. It's part of your work and can save your time and money on searching the right product.
Do your homework for searching the right product!~Part II