Harbor Links Golf Course!~上集
為什麼?因為它的球道和tee台是上上下下設計,走的話會非常累,也要打對的位置,有幾球我雖然球在球道上但卻是斜坡,第二桿就不好打。球道上也會有沙坑,我今天下沙一次,也是直接可以攻果嶺。球道設計不是寬,也是稍微偏一下就bye bye了。非常考驗你的準度!我開球也大多在落球道或長草,不容易脫困,因為草長,很容易讓你的桿頭被絆住。很像剛打玩的US open球場風格。
It's very challenge for the fairways and greens since the tee box is always on the high hill and some doglegs are unable to see the green. If you walk it through, you have to make sure your body tempo has to be stable before swinging. Most of my tee shots are on the fairway, some are on rough, you will have to get the ball out to the fairway. It's the safe way to get out.
If you don't bring your accuracy, you have to bring lots of balls. Moreover, the green is another challenge. it's the sloped or tiered greens. If you would like to get one putt, read the grass pattern is extremely important. The green condition is so good for this season with 9 or 10 speed, it requires your green ability to get the good result.
I have two putts most of times and 3 putts for couple of holes. It can be done better for next round, I love the green style and condition. Today's iron is good for standard on the green. If I keep playing regularly, I think I can make my handicap within 8. My irons are getting better as I only play 4i, 6i, 7i and Pitching and controlling the distance is my ability.
it's critical for your trajectory to stop and drop on the green, It's not easy to drop on the green if your trajectory is not high. It's like this year's US open, playing accurate and high trajectory is the way to let you have chance for birdie. There is another benefit for playing this course, you can easy pick up the ball from fairway or rough.
Since most golfers don't really care the golf balls, you just drop and play without spending the time to find the ball. It's good that I can just pick up some balls throughout the holes. Personally I love this course and there are challenges, distance, hassles and great views. The condition is the best I have played in 2023, I hope to come back again to get familiar. Thanks Raymond for inviting.