你認為球桿哪些特性的優先順序為何/What's golf club characteristics?~上集
你認為球桿哪些特性的優先順序為何/What's golf club characteristics?~中集
產品有技術含量,設計到位,用起來就可以輕鬆自如、談笑風生。而不是瞎買,人云亦云!依據個人的需求、問題和身材,來設定選購產品特性的優先順序是關鍵第一步。而不會掉入購買的盲點或品牌迷失。這是沒有標準答案,比如我首要穩定性,再來距離,回饋...., 別人可能,要易打/操控/高容錯,再來距離,品牌....
當然市售款產品都是以多數人的使用為主,但還是有主要針對族群。所以才會有美日規格的球桿。這都是針對不同球友特性來設計的產品。而日系的產品多半價格會比美系球桿要貴。差別就在於桿身和握把的重量、硬度和長度上。 這就是產品特性上的操控、易打。
There are many youtubers and bloggers used to promote the specific products sales, they work with the product company to create the trend or hot demands for such product. If you do not know about product characteristics, you will be easily jump into the trap.
To me, there is no exact right or wrong for the golf club, the club's performance is based on your swing, body and workability. Once you know the product characteristics, you are able to analyze each field with your requirements and swing problem. It's important step for pickup the right golf club!
For example, you need the consistency and forgiving as the first priority, second is distance, and then feel, control and so on. The other golfer may ask for forgiving/control and easy to play as the first priority, second is branding and third distance...
All the golf club has targeted specific golf groups, that's why we have US specification and Japan specification for the golf clubs. Since various golf groups have specific characteristics of demands and requirements. Being aware of that Made in Japan doesn't mean it's truly made in Japan, the golf club head and shafts might produced in China or Taiwan and assemble in Japan. That's how brand companies operate the business in order to get better market prices. Do not be fooling around!
Knowing the above golf club characteristics are important for you to select the right golf clubs. With these information and knowledge, it's hard for you to get the right fit. You also need to build a number of experiences on golf clubs then you will know exact technology practically for your usage.
There is no perfect golf club for satisfying all characteristics, you must look into the details of the golf club and make the right priority list for your selection. With the right golf club, it can help you work out your swing issues and make the best result of the shot. You are getting close with knowing all these.