你認為球桿哪些特性的優先順序為何/What's golf club characteristics?~上集
5. 易打和容錯 - 這就是一般球友的罩門。但大家都沒有很在意這塊,也不懂如何去瞭解或測試這兩個特性?大家反而在意性能和回饋。就算可以打的很遠,但10球只有2球可以打直和打遠,剩下8球都歪七扭八,哭天搶地,是在搞笑嗎?
這是球桿設計的硬道理和硬技術。也是近20年來球具大廠們所努力發展的重點。 我個人非常在乎這一項,很多的技術和材質都是以提升易打和容錯,可想而知,它的重要性是可以排前三名。也是我買球桿的關鍵因素!
6. 操控 - 這就是桿子的規格設計了。桿頭、桿身和握把的排列組合。而桿子配置什麼桿身、設定的長度、揮桿重量、桿頭重量、握把材質重量等,都是直接關係球友發揮的因素。就算再好的材質和技術,如果規格設定不對,你也無法發揮你的速度、力量,進而產生最好的擊球結果。
7. 外觀設計、顏色和品牌 - 這塊是比較個人爽度的喜好,沒有對錯。但有時候對某些人來說卻是極為重要。過去幫球友一些進行球桿訂製的經驗,往往到了最後推薦產品時,球友才說,我喜歡某些品牌或希望要什麼顏色或外觀設計等,超無言。
你認為球桿哪些特性的優先順序為何/What's golf club characteristics?~下集
5. Forgiving and easy to play - This two are extremely important for golfers, since we are not professional and make lots of mistakes on swing. If we do not have a good forgiving golf club to help us work out the mistakes, it's unable to enjoy the golf. That's why in recent 20 years golf head development has been focusing on these two characteristics.
Easy to play is an overall result. When you grip the club, you can swing it easily and the club can help you strike the ball solidly. That's why the club needs to be easy for your play. If it's not easy to play, you won't be able to swing it nicely and solidly.
6. Control - In terms of golf club controlling, it's all about the club's length, shaft and grip's combinations. What kinds of shafts, length, swing weight, head weight, and grip material/weights are very important to find the best specification for your play.
If the golf club's specification is not fit your swing and body, you would not get the best performance and unable to enjoy the play from the clubs. Most golfers do not think the specification is critical for the usage because they think I can handle it with certain of time. The ideal case is the golf clubs to assist your play instead of that you fit the golf club. That's the idea you need to know.
7. Appearance, colors, and brands - That's personal preference. There is right or wrong in this part, sometimes it's important for some golfers since they only use certain brands or prefer specific colors for the driver and shaft.
With the clubfitting process, I hate golfer told me in the end of the product recommendation that I like Taylormade or Callaway. If you prefer specific brands, colors and designs, you need to share in the beginning, with that information, I am able to look into the right products for later recommendations.
Now we have internet that can search and get the information to know all the details and technology. There are many youtubers and bloggers shared the review of the golf clubs. The golf clubs are not cheap at all, you have do your homework and study from the internet, you can get better fit for your personal requirements.
What's golf club characteristics?~Part III