在美國6月的第二個星期天是父親節,我也要給自己一個父親節一個禮物,就是打場球。選了Cherry Creek Golf Links球場,在長島的尾巴,靠海邊。開車從法拉盛要1小時20分鐘時間,雖然有點小遠但都是一條高速開到底。訂早上11:40開球,10點從家出發,都還綽綽有餘。在美國打球,習慣打10~13點的球。因為早上可以做點事,吃東西,不會趕,下午5點前可以到家。
Cherry creek golf links不是林克斯球場,是典型平地球場,就是德州風。距離長、果嶺大、沙坑多、長草讓你找不到球。今天狀況不是很好,球不是在沙坑就是在長草裡,木桿也是進長草多,有一球還找不到球,一球是打到樹、彈到隔壁的練習場。但好處是你走在長草,仔細看都可以找到球。我掉2個球卻撿到5個球。後來送給同組笑連欸。
今天開球用stealth,真的不會打。今年都是用Titleist TSR2或Callaway Rogue,就是給260~280碼,今天就烙賽剩230~250碼!難怪打的吃力。這個球場打白tee也超過6500碼距離,輾壓別家的藍tee。Par 4的洞都是至少350碼,Par 5 500碼起,Par 3的距離沒有看到低於150碼。還有最後一洞是Par 6 612碼,花了4桿才上去。打了有點暈了!
紐約長島Cherry Creek Golf Links Course高爾夫球場!~下集
Today is Father's Day. Of course, I have to give myself a Father's Day gift: a round of golf. I choose Cherry Creek Golf Links, located at the tip of Long Island by the sea. It's a 1 hour and 20-minute drive from Flushing, which is a bit far but it's all highway driving. The tee time is for 11:40 AM and left home at 10 AM, so I had plenty of time.
When playing golf in the States, I prefer to tee off between 10 AM and 1 PM. This way, I can take care of things in the morning, have a meal, and not feel rushed. Plus, I can be home by 5 PM. In the summer, the temperature is comfortable with a cool breeze. It's really great for golfing, unlike in Taiwan where you have to start early to avoid the scorching sun. Today was perfect, with temperatures between 22-25°C (72-77°F), and a nice breeze.
Cherry Creek Golf Links isn’t a links course; it's a typical flat course. It has long distances, large greens, a number of bunkers, and thick rough that can make it hard to find your ball. My game wasn’t great today; my ball ended up in bunkers and thick rough, and my wood shots often went into the rough. I even lost a ball and had another bounce off a tree into the driving range next door. On the plus side, you can often find balls in the rough if you look carefully. I lost two balls but found five, which I gave to my playing partners.
I played white tees. Since it was a Sunday, the course was crowded. There was a group of five players ahead of us moving slowly. My group was decent, with good distance but barely acceptable accuracy. We spent a lot of time waiting for the group ahead. Next time I’ll play on a weekday to avoid this.
I used the Stealth driver today, but it wasn’t working well. Normally, I use a Titleist TSR2 or a Callaway Rogue, which give me 260-280 yards distance. Today, I was only getting 230-250 yards. This course's white tees total over 6500 yards, which is longer than other courses' blue tees. Par 4s are at least 350 yards, Par 5s start at 500 yards, and no Par 3 is under 150 yards. The last hole is a 612-yard Par 6, which took me four shots to reach the green. I was not easy course honestly.
My rhythm was off because I walked and needed to catch up their carts. Despite erratic shots, their distance made them unstoppable since there were no water hazards or out-of-bounds. I struggled with my lower body movements, leading to many mistakes. Fortunately, my errors were mainly in the rough, making my second shots much harder.
Cherry Creek Golf Links Course!~Part II
高爾夫動作和年紀關係/ Your physical body and golf swing relationship!~下集