用刀背式的推桿桿頭是我的最愛,要推好,就靠不動如山的身體穩定性和推法熟練度,同時對操控上,著重在手臂掌握上。換句話說,推的好壞就是你自己的問題。當然我不時也會買小烏龜/Mallet款式桿頭來玩玩,我手上就收藏不少這類推桿。這次選了Odyssey 2024年新款Ai One Seven T推桿來玩。Xander Schauffele也用這類的款式,看看它怎麼讓球王情有獨鍾?
桿頭配置桿頸可以搭配碳纖維的桿身來提升推擊的手感與倒旋。整體性能直接拉升好幾個層級,也是推桿個人化的核心。好處是讓推擊的滾動效果更好,不會滾到後面就給你失速煞停。這類小烏龜桿頭的好處就是好控,球比較容易推直,手感也比較好。而這次的Seven T也是桿面是坎入鈦合金加工片來提升手感和效果。一般的坎入材質都是用比較軟特性,但這次用鈦合金更硬的材質,距離上會比較好吧!
這個桿頭實際感覺比較小,不如其他品牌(Scotty Cameron)類似的桿頭設計的大,所以不見得會更容易去掌握觸球的位置。但它的高MOI特性,可以把非甜蜜點的觸球效果提升到和甜蜜點推擊結果一樣的技術。這點就比較吸引我去玩看看,同時我選用的桿身是Matrix P2 125黑色桿身,來搭配Seven T這個黑頭,整體黑的感覺把視覺效果拉滿!
Odyssey Ai One Seven T 推桿心得!~下集
I’ve always preferred blade-style putters because they focus more on the user’s stroke stability and rely on the person’s putting control. They emphasize the arm swing during the stroke, so how well you putt really depends on your own skills. Of course, I occasionally play around with mallet-style putters too—I’ve got quite a few of them in my collection. This time, I decided to try out the new Odyssey Ai One Seven T putter from their 2024 lineup. Even Xander Schauffele started with this kind of putter, so I had to check out what makes it a favorite among pros like him.
When it comes to putters, I prefer those with a head and neck design that works well with carbon fiber shafts. This combination enhances the feel and promotes better roll with minimal deceleration as the ball rolls out. Mallet-style heads, like the Seven T, also have the advantage of being easier to control, offering straighter putts and a great feel. This putter has a titanium insert on the face, which is supposed to improve both feel and performance. While most inserts are softer, this titanium one is harder, and I’m curious about why they chose that.
The Seven T head feels smaller than similar designs from other brands, so it’s not necessarily easier to line up the ball perfectly. However, its high MOI (moment of inertia) ensures consistent results even on off-center hits, which really caught my interest. I paired it with a Matrix P2 125 black shaft to match the black head, creating an all-black look that’s super sleek.
For the grip, I used one of my old silicone grips, which is my all-time favorite because it’s incredibly soft and comfortable. Unfortunately, you can’t buy it anymore, so I took it off an older putter and installed it on this one. The color doesn’t match, but I’m willing to sacrifice aesthetics for the feel. The length is my usual 32.5”, and even though this setup is slightly heavier (533g) than my other putters (around 480g), it’s still manageable and gives me confidence to control my shoulder movements.
After testing it on the practice green, I found the feel to be excellent. However, the small head and face area mean you need a consistent stroke to hit the sweet spot. If your stroke isn’t stable, it’s easy to miss your intended line, which directly impacts accuracy. To put it simply, this is more of an advanced-level putter—it’s not designed to help average golfers improve their putting stats. But if you have a steady stroke, this putter can be a real game-changer.
Odyssey Ai One Seven T putter!~part II