昨天下雨,今天天氣就超棒,陰陰的天空,溫度就82/26度左右。實在不能太好的夏天溫度,當然就找球場來運動一下。我現在夏天打球都是不計畫,天氣好就找球場去打球。今天選一個有難度的場子Oyster Bay Town golf course,它離Bethage很近,都在同一個區塊,所以開車差不多是40分鐘。訂中午12點開球,球袋背著出發。
我今天下沙一次,在果嶺旁的沙坑,沙子是中顆粒,所以不難脫困。 這個球場難度在球道窄,再加上果嶺起伏,上坡會讓你的距離增加個10碼左右,同時果嶺設計中等,但果嶺形狀是不規則形,有的狹長,有的是不規則形,非常難打。需要打出一定高度,讓球可以停球。不然一定會飛出去。
Oyster Bay town golf course/長島牡蠣灣球場!~下集
Summer is hot in July, and tries to golf with cooler temperature. Yesterday was raining and today temperature is around 82 degree that drives my passion to get a round. In the summer, I golf without planning or reservation since I don't play over temperature 95 degree that is burning my body. I can't play through 18 holes like human being.
I pick Oyster bay town golf course which is about 40 minutes driving from my place and close to Bethpage golf park. Playing such golf course, it's always better to check the availability in the morning then book the tee time on noon or early afternoon. You can still get some vacancies to book. I make 12:00 to get my tee time.
I am pairing with one couple and one senior for today's round, they are all driving the cart so it makes my play with fast path. I hate it because I need to run all the time to catch up their speed that drives me crazy and exhausted. When I get home, my body is so tired and painful. Since this golf course is pretty similar with Bethpage style that has up and down hills on the fairways and multilayer of the greens.
l would say it's very challenge and tough for average golfers to since you need to have the consistency and accuracy for your shots. Without these, it's better to prepare over a dozen golf balls. I lost 4 balls for this round since I don't have time to find the balls without out of bound and dropping to the water.
The toughest hole is number 4 with handicap 1 for this golf course, it's a dog leg design with uphill green that you can't see the green location, you will need to use fairway wood or long irons to lay on but the difficulty is on the second shot that you can't really know the direction with exact flag spot. It took me 3 shots to get on the green.
Oyster Bay town golf course!~Part II