Epic Max LS 木桿我用的很順手,所以也買了它的三木要來配。這是我近10年來買的第一個不鏽鋼三木桿頭。我一直都選鈦合金的桿頭或桿面的球道木,這次我覺得不鏽鋼很久沒有用了,買來玩看看。雖然球桿不少,但對於新的球道木我打算做的比較不同。就如同Epic Max LS一樣設定更為好打、好用和順手的規格。當然少不了高容錯。而這樣的設定都會和你目前看到的規格和選擇有很大不同。
Epic Max 3木設計就是以低重心,高起發的特性。這類扁平、寬桿面的桿頭很容易打起來,容錯也高。所以我在設定這個三木著眼在,讓我可以更容易去發揮我的動作,以球道上使用為主。把球可以打出應該有的距離效果,可以滾,也可以停。桿頭扁平設計讓我看起來就比較安心,不會有使用壓力。桿面重心在中間位置,寬桿面設計,吃球更容易,下桿也更容易吃草。
至於桿身?我希望球可以是中彈道和低倒旋,所以桿身就用LAGP AXS Blue 60 S桿身。Blue就是低彈道/低倒旋,針對像DeChambeau、Dustin Johnson所開發的桿身。剛好我可以放在三木。三木是我在球道上的最好夥伴,是衝距離的最好武器。所以球要能滾、也能有飛行距離才是王道。我不希望球飛太高,可以有滾動效果。我其他的球道木的問題都是彈道高,距離很容易會短。
Callaway Epic Max 3W 15 loft. LAGP AXS Blue 60 S review測試!中集
Callaway Epic Max 3W 15 loft. LAGP AXS Blue 60 S review測試!下集
Callaway Epic Max LS is one of my favorite drivers, it's very forgiving, performing and easy to use. That's why I get Epic Max 3 fairway 15 loft. I like the Epic Max 3W design with flat and shallow face for forgiving that moves the center of gravity to the back and low spot. Of course, the launch angle will be high that will help you get the ball to the air with the fairway striking.
Since I always play various golf courses, the gears need to be fit my swing and body. I don't intend to play the golf club with certain of ability to control and handle. I like the golf clubs for easy play feature and setup. That's why I prefer Epic Max head design for maximum forgiving and easy to play.
How about the shaft selecting? I like to make this 3W for mid trajectory and low spin for maximum distance, I pick LAGP AXS Blue 60 Stiff shaft. Since it's the lightest weight for blue type that I can't play in my driver. For fairway wood, it's perfect match for my expectation and performance.
Regarding the specification, I don't have good body and powerful muscles, therefore, I have to make the 3w to fit my swing and body condition. That's why the light weight, low swing weight and short length are the key for me to play without difficulty. I do not follow the standard or most retail golf club specifications, that would not fit my swing and body.
That's important to know yourself and try to setup the right spec for your usage and swing as the first step of personal golf club. I set it 42" which is at least 1" shorter than retail 3W and total weight 303g with similar light 3W retail club. For other data, I would not release as it's personal setup and would not lead golfers to the wrong direction.
The key is to make this 3W play as easy as possible with maximum forgiving. The average golfers need to know if the golf club particularly the fairway wood can't allow you make the mistake, it won't fit you. Fairway wood is most difficult golf club among 14 clubs. As a result, it needs to be easy to play/control, forgiving and generating your power.
Callaway Epic Max 3W 15 loft. LAGP AXS Blue 60 S review!Part II
Callaway Epic Max 3W 15 loft. LAGP AXS Blue 60 S review!Part III