這次我同時測試2支木桿,所以比較容易去比較2支桿頭的差異與特性。而桿身都是選低彈道和低倒旋的桿身。Stealth是用Veylix Menion 5 的S硬度,Rogue ST是LAGP Trono 55 R硬度。桿子長度Stealth是44.75“, Rogue是44”。所以規格是有些許不同。但都是在我可以操控的範圍內。
以桿頭外觀來說,Stealth的桿頭設計比較像饅頭,也覺得看起來比較小一點。所以如果設定超過45.5“,視覺感受就比較小和不協調。相對Rogue ST就比較扁平,視覺比較大,所以要裝長也比較適合。兩個桿頭的桿面重心位置都在中心位置,沒有像以前的桿頭會放在中間偏上一點的位置。這樣說起來也是屬於低重心設計。
而Rogue ST的感覺就比較易打,桿面也比較寬,可以用力來打都不會覺得會打壞的感覺。這就是這類桿頭設計的好處。而相對Stealth設計很好看,但會覺得桿面比較深,要打到甜蜜點會比較不容易。2個桿頭的重量,Stealth是195.1g,Rogue ST是194.2g差別在1g。但Taylormade的連接器重量比較輕,在7g左右。Callaway的連接器重量在10g,所以這樣算起來Callaway的桿頭重量反而比較重。
Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~中集
Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~下集
This time I test 2 drivers at the same time to see the differentiations. The shafts are using my M6 and Epic/Mavrik drivers. I picks the shaft with low spin and low/mid trajectory on both Stealth and Rogue ST heads. It's able to see the ball fly and profiles. However, the stealth driver is 44.75" length and Rogue ST is 44". It's still with my control with the length.
The head weight is similar as well. The Stealth is 195.1g, Rogue ST is 194.2g. But the Taylormade sleeve is 7g, Callaway sleeve is 10g. Therefore, the total weight is similar. With the head design, Rogue ST is shadow face with wide and big appearance. It's good for forgiving and easy to play benefits.
The face center of gravity is on the center that is kind of low and is able to lift the ball easily. Once you grip the Rogue ST, you feel comfortable and reliable. I would say it's good for average golfers to drive the ball to the air and gain the maximum distance. That's why I pick it 9 loft to make the ball generate less spin and low trajectory.
The Stealth is more deep face compared with Rogue ST. The head looks smaller than Rogue ST. It looks better and elegant! The face center of gravity is on the center with carbon fiber material. Stealth gives me more challenge to play as the head design is more workable and drive more power to control.
I play these 2 drivers in driving range to see the performance and feedback. Each driver plays about 5~10 shots then switch to the other one. I straightly play 3 rounds for the drivers then come out some idea and profile. Now the following is the pros and cons on these two drivers.
Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review!~Part II
Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review!~Part III