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Bethpage球場, Green course!~上集

Bethpage球場, Green course!

紐約天氣也好起來,在紐約4季分明,5月天氣和氣溫才比較好,所以開始磨刀霍霍,新的球桿也來露相。週五給自己放假,選在紐約有點知名度的球場。Bethpage球場是有名的公立球場,都有辦過比賽,也是2024年的Ryder Cup的指定球場。要訂場都訂不到,只有當天早上,到球場的官網刷,看到1:50有一個位置,就直接訂下去。這就是打有名球場的狀況。



Green場子被譽為是mini版的Black course。Bethpage裡面就Black最屌,也是比賽的專用場子。球場地形上上下下,開球台多半很高,球道比較低,然後果嶺有時會比較高。這在台灣北部球場很常見,我算是駕輕就熟,一點也沒有被嚇到。同組的年輕人就跟我說,在17洞,也是一個開球,因為要爬上去tee box,有人就心臟病發作,就回家了。




Bethpage球場, Green course!~中集

Bethpage球場, Green course!~下集

Weather and temperature are getting better in NYC. May is the best golfing season of the year in NYC. Therefore, I have built some new gears to play and start up my new golf season of 2022. This time I pick Bethpage golf course in Long Island that is about 40 minutes from my place. It's unable to book the tee time since it's all booked.

The only way to get it is every morning from its website to check the availability of the day. It's Friday and get myself a day off to play and booked 1:50pm. You can't plan it by playing Bethapage since you are not sure when the day is available or the time for booking. I have to report to the start booth 20 minutes before the tee time.

I play Green course which is named mini black course. The famous course of Bethpage is black course, it has been holding many tournaments and scheduled to be the course for Ryder Cup 2024. Green course design is similar with Black one with shorter and less slope. That's why I decide to play Green instead of other courses such as Yellow, Red, and Black.

The day is little chill so I wear jacket and long pants. It's typical Spring weather. It would rain around 6pm, I hope to finish before raining. The green courses, fairways are up and down to make you play tough for visual challenge. Some tee boxes are about 3 to 5 floors high with downhill par 4 and you need to climb to the tee box in order to tee shot.

It's important to have a good body condition for walking such slopes in this golf course, the golfer to play with me said there is a senior golfer to climb on #17 tee box with heart attack and passed away later. You can image this course's sharp slope from the tee box. I also team up with a couple and they use cart with easier style.

Bethpage, Green course!~Part II

Bethpage, Green course!~Part III




