Bethpage球場, Green course!~上集
green的總長差不多6400,黑tee和白tee差不多。我今天打白tee,因為自己推車,不想太操。今天帶上Stealth和Rogue ST木桿和新裝的Epic Max 3木來玩。打白tee就簡單多了,這個球場很適合一般球友來挑戰。地形起伏是一個特色,有些果嶺也是有起伏,打起來很有趣。球道上幾乎沒有沙坑,所以可以放心的打,球道也寬廣,我今天都沒有出界/Out of Bond。
前9用Rogue ST真的神勇。同組球友狂叫好球。後9就換Stealth,一樣都會有fade的球路出來。加上天氣下雨,有2個球都懶得找,但我今天最遠的一球卻是Stealth,500碼5桿洞,開球,三木剩下20碼出頭的距離。這裡球道都沒有碼數樁,所以都是靠經驗來抓,幾洞的距離應該要用5木來攻會容易上果嶺,但都大意用3鐵,打短了。
Bethpage球場, Green course!~下集
I play white tee with almost 6000 yards. Since my first time to use push cart to walk over 18 holes and it's important to keep up my energy. I bring two drivers, Stealth and Rogue ST and new Epic Max 3W to see how they perform. There is no bunker on the fairway and it's good to test the new drivers and fairway but the uphill and downhills from the tee boxes to the fairway are the key challenge.
I have no out of bound today, but the tough thing is the bunkers surrounded the green. I land in the bunker 3 times but get out successfully without problem. Since it's been raining for the whole week the sands are stiff to eat out for getting out. I slice the sands under the ball with less power for landing the green. If you can't control the power, the ball will roll over the green without question.
The green is small one and it's hard to land on the green. Some greens are on the uphill and you need to drive more distance in order to drop the ball on the green. However, the green condition is no good, the ball is jumping during the rolling. It's easier to understand the over usage on Bethpage golf courses.
The golfer told me it's good condition on the green. I think he is used to it but for me I play a number of courses, I can verify the course condition easily. The grass is good on the green, it's no doubt. I don't putt well since the green speed after raining is about 7~8. It's hard to manage the power to put the right distance that makes me frustrate.
My ball goes straight with Rogue ST on the first 9 holes and replaces the Stealth on the back 9. Of course, the steath flies fade all the time. However, I gain the best tee shot with the stealth with over 260 yards on par 5 and 3W to land the fairway 20 yards to the green. This course is good for average golfers to build your skills and driving distance. There is no bunker to make your tee shot hard.
Bethpage, Green course!~Part III