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Bethpage球場, Green course!~下集

Bethpage球場, Green course!

Bethpage球場, Green course!~上集

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三木就是用Epic Max 3木得到230碼距離,這種天氣和濕球道可以得到這樣的結果都非常滿意。看來倒旋確實低。尤其木桿都發揮不錯的滾動距離,所以打起來就簡單不少。現在改用倒旋低和低角度的桿子,滾動距離提升不少。期待下次的下場可以打黑tee。今天最後一洞開完球後,下大雨,把衣服、鞋子、球袋都打濕了。推球車真的有累,晚上狂睡10個小時。看來身體需要多幾次經驗,才能適應自己推車走18洞。


如果你一直在救球,跑來跑去,身體打到後面一定沒力。我是在最後2洞就真的靠意誌力來打。而且Stealth都給我甩尾,會落在長草。最後2洞,就不敢用,換Rogue ST,就生龍活虎了。看來Rogue ST就是我的真命天子!同組球友就看到我的自信開球回來了。


There are couple of keys for a good golf course, one is the observation and the other is analysis.I don't like the golf course that hides the green and the golfer is unable to know how to set the strategy and direction. If you don't play such course before, it's hard to get it right at the first time.

The golf course needs to provide enough information for golfer to make the right decision and plan. Otherwise, it is hard for golfers to enjoy the play. There are many good golf courses in Asia that set a number of dog legs to hide the green. When I play such courses, it's like guessing and gambling. You are unable to build your skills and abilities.

The drivers I have played are ok, but the Stealth is always the fade that I can make my best shots. Rogue ST is more forgiving. The new 3W Epic max is also impressive performance with over 230 yards. With these two monster clubs I am able to overcome the challenges but walking the 18 holes is my first time so my body is loosing in last 2 holes.

It really takes time to build the good body for walking 18 holes. The short game pitching is not working smoothly, sometimes I have to chip the second time to land the green. Short game needs to build more solid experiences in order to get it work. That's the only way for building your short game. The temperature is out of my control and make me play struggling.

The last hole starts the big raining that makes my clothes and bags wet completely. But I love this golf course and will return later to play other courses. If your handicap is over 15, it will be hard to stay easy. When you walk for 18 holes, your abilities need to be at certain level in order to make your game more controllable.

It's a tough game for me and run out my energy completely. I have been sleeping over 10 hours to reset my body. Honestly it's the first time to feel that way but I really enjoy it since I can really relax and focus on golf!




