當然如果這類室內擊球店開在市區就更好。因為想解癮的人,可以在工作時間來轉換一下心情,去揮幾桿發洩是不錯的做法。如果配合複合式的服務和導入餐飲,這樣可以吸引到一些團體來使用。讓高爾夫脫離大家的認知是很重要的發展機會。室內和像國外Top golf的複合式練習場經營模式都是可以學習。有變化和改變才能讓高爾夫產生激盪!
Indoor golf is booming!
Since launch monitor releases to the market, it makes the golf differently. The golf coach, instructor, and clubfitter can get the swing data from launch monitor to work on the custom clubs and fine tune personal swing. Nowadays such system enhances the way of golf enjoyment.
There are lots of indoor clubfitting studio and shops in the states, we can get the swing path, plane and data easily. Now the system upgrades to add golf courses and driving ranges to let you play with fun without weather issue. it is what indoor golf solution is delivering! It's the game, but you can actually play it with your golf clubs. You can spend couple hours indoor to have fun and excise a lot.
If you live in the place with snowing during the winter, it will be great solution for you to keep playing. Or it's good for metropolitan area that can play golf to release the stress by getting some swings. I did try it in 8 years ago in friend's place, it's fun but I got bored after playing 9 holes. You would realize that it is still in indoor and every shot you play is the same like in driving range.
It's like you are in coffee shop but the shop offers golf swing service with spot and system for you to play. I have not been the indoor golf range and no idea for the charges. I think it should be similar with driving range. Otherwise, golfers would go to outdoor driving range.
The indoor golf is good for golfers to enjoy and have fun without weather condition. With this advantage, golf becomes various and allow golfers to play in all season long. If the driving range can operate like Top golf with multiple services (drinks, foods and party), we can bring friends and family to go and spend the half day in there.
Driving range has to change and run multiple functions and services. it's the fundamental for golf industry and the hub for golfers to link with others. Indoor golf is the start and we can expect more new services to come!