長距離不如先長肉來得實際/Get more weight is the first step to gain the distance!~下集
We have seen DeChambeau's power up with incredible distance in 2020, it makes other pros are seeking for the same power up for more distance. Well, for average golfers we can learn from DeChambeau as well. To gain the distance, if you do not want to get the new golf clubs with the cutting edge technologies, it's good to eat more for gaining the muscles.
In short, you need to eat to get weight then do the work out to make your core muscles become strong and powerful. It's always started from yourself to get things down. However, the difficulty for pushing yourself is consistency! If you only do the short term for training your body, you can have the distance for long run.
Nowadays we know better about human body and sport science can help us get things done easier and efficient. That's why the athletes are doing more body work out then ever. If you do not have good body and build the muscles, your body is unable to generate the power and speed. That's the basic rule for sport. Therefore, to eat more is the first step to gain the distance.
There are upper body and lower body that you need to build your core muscles. Particularly golf is important to build your core muscles for your body. You can search tons of body work out videos from youtube. The key is to do it, it's not about how to find the right body work out information. It's tough for average golfers to do it consistently.
I have been doing my work out for over 5 years and jogging for 15 years. Sometimes I almost give up to continued my regular work out as we are all lazy when we do the things for a while. It's always fighting your mental. But if you keep working out for months, it's become your regular works without feeling tired and lazy. Your body will be good and health.
Get more weight is the first step to gain the distance!~Part II