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訂製桿的硬道理:好打、高容錯、失誤了,球還活著/Custom golf club's key: confidence, consistency and misshot damage!~下集

訂製桿的硬道理:好打、高容錯、失誤了,球還活著/Custom golf club's key: confidence, consistency and misshot damage!

訂製桿的硬道理:好打、高容錯、失誤了,球還活著/Custom golf club's key: confidence, consistency and misshot damage!~上集







Why my demo clubs are able to deliver the consistency and easy to play features? It's all about the details such as the club head, shaft and grip. When you select these parts, it's not just picking the most cutting edge technology, latest model and coolest material. Each club needs to have outstanding features, missions and profile then it can serve certain golf group with specific swing style.

The clubfitter needs to understand the heads, shafts and grips vertically with limited brands and products in order to build the knowledge and experience. Furthermore, to analyze the golfers's swing profile, body strongness and swing skills then it's able to build the right specification for the golf club. It's involved in various fields and domain knowledges such as dynamics, material, mechanical engineering, and body dynamics.

I have lots of demo clubs for golfers to try out but the limitation of a golfer to try the demo is 3 clubs. If it's over 3 demo clubs to try out, golfers are unable to identify and feel the differentiations on each demo. That's why picking the right demo is key for golfers to know the differentiations of the clubs and find out the right personal golf club with the right specification.

I am not saying the custom golf club can provide you the better results in each shot, but it's easy for you to handle, and control the club then strike the golf ball. If you hit it off the target, it's not the fault from the golf club. When you play your own specification golf clubs, you know how you can do and feel better confident to swing.

A good custom golf club needs to consider a number of the issues, details and factors in order to accomplish the golfer's missions and target. More importantly the custom golf clubs are not really related with the cost that means the expensive custom clubs are not equal to the better results or longer distance. The high end aftermarket shafts and wood heads are featuring more functions, details and advantages.




