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球桿的距離效力在擊中桿面甜蜜點/golf club can't give you the better distance~series 2!~下集

球桿的距離效力在擊中桿面甜蜜點/golf club can't give you the better distance~series 2!

球桿的距離效力在擊中桿面甜蜜點/golf club can't give you the better distance~series 2!~上集

球桿的距離效力在擊中桿面甜蜜點/golf club can't give you the better distance~series 2!~中集


光這些地方要贏你的桿子就已經贏得可以賣了。 如果讓你打的桿子規格也是你很容易發揮身體動作的設定,要多個10碼就龍飛鳳舞、舉手之勞。還有一個擊球距離的核心,就是擊中桿面甜蜜點。上面說到桿頭和桿身,要提升桿面擊中甜蜜點,需要把桿子整體的規格設定,讓你可以輕鬆施展你的動作和力量,這才是要提升距離的關鍵所在。







I have seen one thing from my customers who are sticking on consistent golf club specification for all kinds of golf clubs. For example, he wants his driver with swing weight D2 with 45" length and sticks on all his new drivers and woods. Sometimes, he wants to have the same swing weight on irons and wedges.

This idea is not right on giving you the best result and performance with the products and gears. First of all, the golf club head, shafts and grips have their own profile and characteristics, you need to fit their way in order to get the good result. Sometimes, the golf club and golf shaft need to build with heavier swing weight and shorter length for delivering the best performance, but the golfers want to stick on what they prefer for the specification.

We are getting older everyday and you need to fit the golf club with your physical condition and follow the clue to make the best result on golf club head and shaft. That the right approach to allow you get the consistency of the shots. 

I like to try the different ways to build the golf clubs and try the new products. With these experiences, I am able to know and learn lots of things things for right and wrong. All my ideas and experience are not fit with current theory or knowledge, but it's what I have learned in past 20 years and that works on me.

A good clubfitter needs to learn things by your own and leave the time for yourself to dig more on human dynamic and golf club gears. I can not know all kinds of golf clubs but I stick on 2 to 3 brands to study and build the demos for vertical knowledge then I am able to do recommendation and make the right clubmaking works.

My mission of the clubfitting and clubmaking is to help golfers to build the gears that can allow your swing easier and better. You can generate your power through the body then work better on your golf clubs for good results. Gaining the longer distance is just one of the benefits and you can have confident to play the golf clubs when you try to make your next shot! That's what I am doing.




