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Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~規格說說明篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~產品說明篇!




這次的桿身配置是Matrix 5M3 S硬度。一來它的桿身重量在55g,裁減到我要的長度,重量在52g。 和TM M6/Veylix Mansion 5 R木桿是差不多。想把G410 Plus做為另一支對照組來進行比較測試。所以桿身的特性也是中低彈道和低倒旋。和Mansion 5差不多。這樣產品的結果就可以進行比較和分析。

從球桿的產品特性,重量和整體規格都設定差不多。 這樣進行使用和比較就容易看出差異。當然我這次的連接器設定也和TM M6一樣把桿面角度給調低。G410是調平一度和桿面角度減一度設定。桿頭重量G410會稍微重2~3g左右。也訂了輕一點的螺絲,後面進行調整重量。會差到一個揮桿重量。把規格的差異壓到最小。 讓使用可以無縫接軌。

球頭: Ping G410 10.5度桿頭, 實際角度14度,調整到12度。196g重量,桿頭配重螺絲11g,連接器6.5g

桿身: Matrix 5M3 S硬度,重56g, 46”, 0.335”口徑,254cpm

握把: Lamkin X10 undersize R58尺寸, 黑色重42g

總長: 45”

總重: 292g

揮桿重量: D1.60

MOI: 2828 g/cm^2

硬度頻率: 250cpm

這桿子的設定就會以另一支木桿TM M6為對照組。也是要進行測試比較。所以在桿身選擇上就會找特性類似的產品來進行組裝。同時設定的規格也會設定類似。就是要把桿子的變數給控制在最小範圍內。如此讓我用起來沒有使用操控的問題,快速去瞭解發揮桿子的性能和回饋。桿頭重量我也訂購不同的桿頭重量螺絲來進行後續調整。

G410桿頭的螺絲在後方,我配制的是11g螺絲重量。如果可以有比較輕2~3g的螺絲就可以設定桿頭重量和M6一樣。這樣控制起來的感覺會比較類似。 在其他規格比如長度,總重和桿子硬度頻率都是一樣。硬度頻率差2cpm。所以這樣設定已經算是很接近M6 木桿的規格。桿身也是中低彈道。所以基本桿子都會有類似的結果和使用控制能力。

兩隻桿身的重心位置也差不多,所以得到的MOI是差在桿頭重量的差異。M6是2820g/cm^2, G410是2828g/cm^2.這是我把M6的桿頭重量也設定在196g。所以MOI的結果就差6g/cm^2. 如果把M6桿頭重量減3g是我適合的重量,得到的MOI就是2803g/cm^2.所以這當中的差異就是桿頭重量的不同。因為桿子長度和總重都一樣。而在揮桿重量上如果都是196g的桿頭重量,M6是D0.72, G410是1.60.這點就是桿身的重心影響和桿頭的重量分布差異。因為G410是整個桿頭鈦合金,M6是混合材質所以重量上沒有G410的集中。這也是導致揮重上的不同。

所以空揮起來是會覺得G410稍微的有感覺桿頭重量。當然這對於我使用是沒有問題。所以我下場多半會先打G410在前九洞。身體的狀態會比較好,可以控制比較重的G410.等後九再用M6就可以讓身體的負擔減輕。握把是用Lamkin X10 undersize 42g所以可以把重量壓低。握感上會比Pure的握把硬一些。但Lamkin X10的好用,在耐磨耐用的特性也是我愛用的握把之一。



Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇2!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~完結篇!

Ping G410 plus driver 10.5 loft with Matrix 5M3 Stiff flex review!~Part II

Club specification.

This time I select Matrix 5M3 S flex shaft to fit Ping G410 Plus driver head. Since my other driver is TM M6 with Veylix Mansion 5 R combo and I make this G410 plus as the driver to compare. I make the specification close for two drivers in order to see the results on performance, feel and forgiveness. Meanwhile, the Matrix 5M3 S and Mansion 5 R is similar profile with low spin, low launch and shaft weight. With the similarity of the shaft profile, I can fit the driver for similar specification for play.

Even though the sleeve set up is similar, I set G410 sleeve to lower one degree on loft and lie angle. I order lighter weight screw for G410 in order to make the head weight the same as TM M6 head weight. The current G410 head weight is heavier 2~3g my TM M6 head. Below is the G410 plus driver specification for reference.

Head: Ping G410 10.5 loft, actual loft 14 degree,deloft to12. Weight 196g,weight screw 11g,sleeve 6.5g

Shaft: Matrix 5M3 S flex,56g, 46”, 0.335” tip size,254cpm. no tip

Grip: Lamkin X10 undersize R58, black 42g

Length: 45”

Weight: 292g

Swing weight: D1.60

MOI: 2828 g/cm^2

Frequency: 250cpm

The specification is similar with TM M6 driver. I add the TM head weight from 193 to 196g, the weight and swing weight will become very close on MOI (one is 2820 and the other is 2826). Of course, the weight, length, frequency (differentiated 2cpm) and swing weight are similar. The key of whole club setup is based on the shaft. Shaft is hard to know the profile. If you are familiar with certain shaft models and profile, you are able to select the right shaft to make the driver specification the same or similar.

Nowadays driver has the features for adjusting the weights, and angles, it is easy to make the head weight the same as others, but the shaft is not only picked the same weight, but also the shaft CG and profile need to be similar in order to get the same specification. It requires the knowledge, experience and usage on various shaft models then you are able to find the right shaft for similarity. With that similar shaft profile, you can make the driver comparison on the fair line.

The grip is undersize Lamkin X10 black color with 42g weight, it helps reducing the total weight but the grip is good on durability. That's why I love to play X10 with cheap price and durability. In summer, it's important to set the club in lighter weight for play. Due to the hot weather, if the club is like normal specification, your body will be hard to swing in back 9, particularly on last couple of holes. That's why I set the drivers specification with such weight.

As a result, the club setup must consider the overall condition. It can not just look at the certain point or specification situations. The fitter needs to consider all kinds of situation and allow you to swing the club easily without making the mistake. The right club setup is to let you swing consistently through 18 holes without difficulty.

To be continued...




