Stonebridge Golf Links course/紐約長島石橋球場!~上集
Stonebridge Golf Links course/紐約長島石橋球場!~中集
這些歐吉尚都知道,天熱,他們都不走路,改坐車打球。所以我也不會和他們一起打,他們4輪,我2輪肯定追的我喘呼呼。雖然我準度和距離都比較好,但還是自己打自己比較可以掌握走路節奏。今天球都在場內但2個球找不到,不過我卻在球場撿到5個球。在美國打球實力在10以內,根本不需要買球,因為球場打也會撿到。所以我的球是越來越多。一個Pro V1打12個洞,才放生。
另外,今天用新的Taylormade M5 鐵桿,桿面實在太鳥了。開球或球道上打,桿面跟狗啃,一堆刮痕。我同時用T200比較,桿面都是頭好壯壯。M5的桿面處理太軟,雖然手感不錯,但根本不耐磨和撞擊。這樣打不到一年,就要退役了。這點對於鐵桿有需求的人最好要去實際打比較一下。看外觀是看不出來!
Taylormade的技術都差不多,鐵桿就是一定會吃土,鐵桿桿面磨損是家常便飯,但第一次下場,桿面就和畫圖一樣精彩。比日本鍛造wedge還不耐。因為我同時也帶Titleist T200來比較,好壞差異,一目了然。
Temperature is hot so these senior golfers know to drive cart instead of walking. I can't group with them since I can't catch up their speed by walking. I am able to control my walking tempo then performing the best result. The good thing is I pick about 5 golf balls today but could not find my 2 golf balls.
I would say if your handicap is within 10, You actually do not need to buy the golf balls, you can find the golf balls on the course without difficulty. I play 12 holes for one titleist pro v1 then change other golf ball. There is one thing I would like to mention that I play both new M5 iron and new Titleist T200 iron in this round, but The M5 iron face is not strong with some scratches and dots.
Comparing to T200 irons, T200 irons are no damage or scratch at all. It's the face material and coating issues, Taylormade needs to do something better on that. Otherwise, you will need replace the new iron after playing one year. It's unable to check when you checking on the store, you will have to play on the ground in order to see the difference.
With my experience, I prefer to play the golf course in North east. There are big trees, challenging fairway and greens. Although the distance is about 6000~6500 yards, it will give you lots of fun and allow you to find out your shortage and problem. Comparing to south, Florida and Texas, the distance is over 7000 yards, the fairway and green is pretty flat, trees are much smaller that is easier to get out.
Of course, it's hot in south to play golf, that is the biggest challenge for golfers. I like this golf coure, there are lots of details to find out and overcome. I would definitely come again. It gives you fun and asks for your consistency and accuracy. Even it's summer, you won't be beaten by heat!