Stonebridge Golf Links course/紐約長島石橋球場!~上集
只要開球沒問題,打這個球場就很容易。我打黑tee,一點都不會覺得困難,Par 5 都是500碼以上。三木都是如魚得水,都再一切就上果嶺。我沒有下水,只有下沙一次。沙子是中顆粒,也是有灑水,要用力吃下沙才能脫困。沙坑都放在果嶺前面和周圍,非常有挑戰,很容易就下去。還好我都把球放在沙坑前,在切上去。
Stonebridge Golf Links course/紐約長島石橋球場!~下集
The key to play this golf course is the accuracy. Your tee shot and second shot are important for the accuracy. If you make the mistake, you get hurt. The distance is not the problem for average golfer, but if you do not manage your shot accuracy, you can't get the good score in the end. The greens are surrounded by the bunkers.
That's why you get problem if you did not perform correctly with your swing. The par 5 is over 500 yards that I need to make it to the green for 3 shots. Sometimes I can land the ball on the right spot of the green to get a birdie or 2 putts to end the hole. You have to play strategy and put your ball on the right position for the next shot.
It sounds easy but it's hard to execute and perform consistently. The green is good but the speed is kind of slow, I think it should be around 8. In NYC and long island golf courses, the green speed is below 9 since it's hard to maintain the green as too many golfers to play. I am kind of similar with the speed and condition to make good putting.
There are three kinds of flags that demonstrate the right spot of the pin. The blue/white flag is the pin located on the front of the green area, red/white is the back of the green, and the white flag is on the middle of the green. The difference of the flag will be 10~30 yards on the distance. That's the thing you need to catch up by yourself.
This time I don't group with other senior golfers who drive the cart. I know my tempo and walking speed is unable to catch their speed, if I pair with them, it will drive my energy down to the end on last 3 holes. Particularly the hot temperature, my energy is losing quick. I play alone but I make the best score in recent 2 years.
Stonebridge Golf Links course!~Part III