我2024年球桿體驗分享/My 2024 new custom golf clubs experiences!上集
換句話說,日本鍛造的桿面會吃球、把一些能量給吸掉,再把球彈出去。所以當我用鍛造wedge時會非常挫折,為什麼距離出不來,球很難脫困等狀況。導致我都會回去用鑄造的wedge,我的wedge都是配鐵桿桿身,所以沒有存在因為桿身特性和材質不同導致距離變短。同時我也覺得True Temper Dynamic Gold S300 挖起桿115桿身真的差。
手感沒有,距離也差。和我習慣用的DG tour issue S200比真的鳥到想折斷。力量放進去到桿身,沒有任何釋放的彈性,或把桿子的力量灌到球的效果。完全就是一支鐵管,沒有性能和手感的桿身。所以讓日系鍛造的wedge產生不了提升效力。日本鍛造的wedge會需要比較多操控,不是懶人球友的最佳夥伴。技術和經驗沒有到一個火候,很難發揮效果。
它的重量、操控、和滾動習慣和手感真的最適合我。其他的推桿都可以用的很不錯但我這2年就裝了12支推桿,所以我可以抓出我最喜歡的,Scotty Phantom X5.5、LAB Mazz1、Odyssey Ai One Ch7都是mallet款式,非常好推、高容錯、手感也很棒,只是這類推桿的距離是硬傷。尤其對大果嶺設計,要一推近就要神明波比了。
對於傳統刀背式的new port2風格是我習慣的桿頭。在長距離上表現最好,很高比例可以一推進,就算沒有進也可以在洞口一步範圍。尤其Zen的桿面紋路可以帶出好的滾動習慣,LAB 的Link1也是類似的桿面紋路,所以用起來最好。但Link1的桿頭比較重,對我用會有點吃力。相對Zen就輕鬆容易,我有2款Zen刀背推桿,都是我用的最順手。
To put it simply, Japanese forged wedges absorb more energy, so when I use them, it’s frustrating because the distance just isn’t there, and it’s harder to get out of tough lies. That’s why I always go back to cast wedges. My wedges still stick with steel shafts, so the distance isn’t affected by shaft characteristics or materials.
I also find the True Temper Dynamic Gold S300 wedge shaft lacking in feel and distance. Compared to the DG Tour Issue S200 that I’m used to, it’s awful—it feels like a stiff pipe with no flex or feedback, making it impossible to transfer energy to the ball. This takes away the effectiveness of Japanese forged wedges, which require more control and aren’t ideal for weekend golfers.
Over the last two years, I’ve focused on putters. I’ve bought Scotty, LAB, Bettinardi, Zen, Vega, and Odyssey putters, customizing them to my specs based on my needs. I even set up a 38-inch long putter, but it didn’t meet my expectations. I’ve equipped all my putters with carbon fiber shafts for better control and feel, with lengths ranging from 32.5” to 33”. Most of them work very good, but my favorite is still my Zen. The weight, control, and roll, feel perfect for me.
Although I’ve had great results with many putters, I’ve bought 12 putters in the last two years, so I know what I like. The Scotty Phantom X5.5, LAB Mazz1, and Odyssey Ai One Ch7 are all mallet-style putters that are so easy to use, highly forgiving, and feel great. However, these putters lack distance, especially on large greens, where it feels like you need divine intervention to get close with one stroke.
When it comes to traditional blade putters, I’m used to the Newport 2 style, which performs best on long putts, giving me a high chance of sinking the putt or at least leaving the ball within one step of the hole. The grooves on Zen’s face produce excellent roll, and LAB’s Link1 has similar grooves, making it a solid choice. But the Link1 head is heavier, which makes it harder for me to use compared to the lighter Zen putter. I own two Zen blade putters, and they’re my go-to.
These conclusions come from my personal experience over the past two years, trying different combinations of shafts, heads, and grips. Ultimately, it’s all about what feels easiest and most comfortable for me. If you ask me which is more important—head, shaft, or grip? They’re all important. My drivers all have grips that offer the softest feel. Without experiencing them firsthand, you won’t find your favorite. Experience is your golfing knowledge, and it’s the most valuable "golf license" you can have!