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擺脫3輪車,球桿的設定註意項目/Work out your golf club for high handicappers!~下集

擺脫3輪車,球桿的設定註意項目/Work out your golf club for high handicappers!

擺脫3輪車,球桿的設定註意項目/Work out your golf club for high handicappers!~上集







When you cut down the length, you can see the result, but the side spin is not going to take off. If you like to remove your side spin, you will need to work on the swing as well. Since the golf club can work out about 40% of your swing problems, the result is on your personal body and swing style.

I built my son's drivers with 44" length and he is taller than me and stronger than me, but for the new golfers like him, making it shorter is the best way to handle the driver and the result is good with less slice. The other factor you can consider to adjust is the weight. It's total weight of the golf club or you can focus on the shaft weight.

To allow you keep up your swing consistency you will need to make your golf clubs feel the same in weight. Most golfers have various weight feels on the woods, irons and driver. That's why you need to fit the golf clubs with different swing style. If you are the average golfers without strong body, it's better to consider lower down your golf club's weight for easier to swing.

Trying to select the lighter shaft weight to reduce the weight, you will feel the difference. Meanwhile the grip is also the key, most golfers don't change the grips regularly and it would not let you swing with your power if the grip is not working in good condition. You can check your local golf pro shops or work shops to see various grips styles and models, it's very personal for grip, you just follow your feel to purchase.

Changing the grip is not going to cost you too much but you can feel the difference right away. My above suggestions are not hard or cost you too much money, once you do the adjustments, the feel will be immediately. It's part of custom golf club that is based on your personal feel and preference.




